Final version 4.1 (5 May 2007)

(Approved during 5 th   May 2007 General Meeting)

Article 1, Founding and Name

1.1 The European Powered Flying Union (EPFU), is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation, founded on 24 th   February 2007 under the French laws and regulations.

Article 2, Residence

2.1 EPFU head office is located 155 Avenue de Wagram, 75017 Paris, France. It can be moved to another place as determined by the General Meeting.

Article 3, Language

3.1 The working language of EPFU is English.

Article 4, Purpose

4.1 The purpose of the EPFU is to support and represent the interests of its Members at the European level, in respect of all relevant regulatory matters. Members are usually the national bodies representing sports and recreational powered flying organisations.

4.2 The EPFU will act independently, but seeks to have good relationship and co-operative works with relevant national and international organisations.

Article 5, Membership

5.1 Full Membership of the EPFU is open to national organisations representing powered flying in countries which are Members of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC),

5.2 Associate Membership is open to powered flying organisations that are not eligible for Full Membership as stated in Article 5.1.

5.3 Organisations which wish to join the EPFU shall transmit their request with the relevant justifications to the General Secretariat. The Executive Board will examine this candidature for presentation at the next EPFU General Meeting. In the meantime the candidates will have status as associate member if the Executive Board decides so.

5.4 A full member of the EPFU may withdraw its membership with three months written notice. An associate member may withdraw its membership without notice. Current subscription fee remains due and will not be reimbursed.

5.5 A member can be expelled by the General Meeting if their subscription is in arrears by more than nine months.

5.6 The General Meeting may terminate a membership if the member organisation by its actions brings the EPFU into disrepute.

Article 6, Membership fees

6.1 All members shall pay an annual subscription as determined by the General Meeting.

Article 7, Governance

7.1 Each member organisation must name one delegate and one alternative to represent it.

7.2 The General Meeting is the assembly of the delegates of full members. The General Meeting shall meet once a year with a period of no longer than fifteen months between meetings.

7.3 The date and place of the General Meeting will be set at least three months in advance.

7.4 If a minimum of two-thirds of the Full Members so request, or if the Executive Board judges it opportune, an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened in a member country chosen by the Executive Board.

7.5 In the event that two-thirds of the Full Members request an Extraordinary General Meeting, this meeting will be held within three months following the date on which the request, sent by registered letter stating the reasons for the meeting, is received by the president. The business agenda must state the reasons for the meeting.

7.6 The General Secretary will invite, at least two months before the date fixed for a General Meeting, all Members to send him (or her) the points they wish to be included in the agenda of the next General Meeting.

7.7 At least one month before the date fixed for the General Meeting, the General Secretary will send all Members the agenda, including items presented by the Members or by the Executive Board, as well as the reports of the specialists or other Committees.

7.8 Each Full Member shall have a basic of 100 votes. Each full member organisation shall have an additional 5 votes per 1000 represented individual members and fractions thereof, to be exercised by its delegate, subject to the member having paid the annual fee.

7.9 A quorum of a General Meeting shall be at least one-third of full members representing one-third of the votes.

7.10 Associate Members may attend and speak on any matters raised in the General Meeting, but shall not be entitled to vote.

7.11 A Full Member may be represented by the delegate of another Member by approved proxy, but this delegate may not represent more than one other Member.
7.12 General Meetings are chaired by the President of the EPFU or, if the need arises, by the Vice-President.

7.13 Unless stated otherwise voting is done by simple majority of those present and authorised to vote.  For elections or other special or delicate questions of importance, or when a Member of the General Meeting so requests, a secret ballot will be held.

7.14 In the event that the votes are equal, the chairman of the Meeting will have a casting additional vote.

7.15 The General Meeting may, by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the Full Members present and voting there on, approve, alter, modify or revoke any or all of the Statutes, provided that due notice of any such proposals has been given to the General Meeting in accordance with Article 7.6.

7.16 The General Meeting will elect, by a simple majority of the Full Members present or represented by a proxy and voting, the members of the Executive Board.

7.17 The General Meeting will annually approve the accounts of the previous year presented by the Treasurer as well as his proposed budget for the next year.

7.18 The General Meeting will approve the proceedings of the EPFU, including new tasks proposed by the Members, approve or reject reports and proposals made by the Executive Board and the Technical Committees.

7.19 The General Meeting will endorse decisions in respect to third party arrangement affecting the EPFU.

Article 8, Executive Board

8.1 The Executive Board is composed of a President, a Vice-president, a General Secretary, a Treasurer and up to three Board members.

8.2 The President, the General Secretary and one regular Board member are elected every odd year. The Vice-President, the Treasurer and other regular   Board member(s) are elected every even year. Their mandates are renewable.

8.3 The General Meeting elects members to the Executive Board from delegates nominated by their member organisations, which must be Full Members of the EPFU.

8.4 (empty)

8.5 The Executive Board acts as a board of management, executing tasks set by the General Meeting.

8.6 The Executive Board makes all decisions relating to the activity of the EPFU ratifying or not the urgent decisions made by the President.

8.7 The Executive Board meets at regular intervals, when the President judges it opportune, or at the request of the majority of the members of the Executive Board.

8.8 The President heads the EPFU and represents it to third parties, including in justice. In the event of the President’s resignation, the presidency will be assumed by the Vice-President until the next General Meeting.

8.9 The Vice-President assists the President in his (or her) work and shall replace him (or her) should this be required.

8.10 A quorum of one-half of the Board members must be present to validate the decision-making process.

8.11 A simple vote of the Board members present (and subject to there being a quorum) at a duly convened meeting shall be required to decide pre-notified business. The President shall have a casting vote in the event of an even vote.

8.12 The Executive Board can appoint an Administrative Secretary.

8.13 The Board must ensure that an annual budget for the next year is prepared for approval each year by the General Meeting.

8.14 The Treasurer is accountable to the Board for the proper control of revenue, expenditure and cash flow in accordance with the annual budget framework agreed by General Meeting. The Treasurer must keep up to date accounts as well as forward estimates of revenue and expenditure.

8.15 The President, or the Treasurer, must approve all expenditures.

8.16 (empty)

8.17 All members of the Executive Board will be reimbursed of reasonable expenses related to their EPFU activities. The Executive Board will set-up a specific policy for this.

8.18 No member of the Executive Board will receive remuneration for his (or her) EPFU activities.

Article 9, Technical Committees

9.1 As many Committees as deemed necessary will be created to facilitate the good results of the aims defined in Article 4.

9.2 A member of the Executive Board shall be appointed as responsible for a Technical Committee, and will report to the Executive Board.

9.3 Full and Associate Members can appoint Technical Experts as members of Technical Committees.

Article 10, Verification of Accounts

10.1 At a General Meeting, a Committee for the verification of accounts will be elected, which will be composed of a maximum of three persons, not members of the Executive Board. It will examine the accounts of the previous year and present their observations to the General Meeting.


Article 11, Disbandment

11.1 Disbandment of the EPFU may only be approved with a 75% majority of the members voting in person or by proxy, on a resolution properly prepared and notified setting out in detail the reasons for the proposed disbandment.

11.2 In the event of an approved disbandment of the EPFU, the assets shall be transferred to one or more organisations promoting powered flying in Europe. The Executive Board shall be responsible for the realisation and distribution of net assets as decided by the General Meeting.

These Statutes were approved by the General Meeting held
on 5 th   May 2007 in Paris.